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We are a professional student society affiliated with both the CSHP and ASHP. The mission of CSHP is to promote the role of pharmacists as integral members of the health-care team, to lead the profession as the primacy advocate for advancing pharmacy practice, and to encourage the pharmacist’s value to patients by ensuring that appropriate clinical services and education about medication use are provided. The purpose of CSHP at CUSP is to support the development of student pharmacists in Health-System Pharmacy. As the youngest student chapter, we are excited to create opportunities for students to gain knowledge about various areas in pharmacy through educational events that include mentorship from health-system pharmacists, networking opportunities with regional chapters like OCSHP, community service projects to serve the Orange County area, and legislative activities that advocate for recognition of pharmacists’ impact in healthcare. We look forward to our opportunities as the only school of pharmacy in Orange County and appreciate your support during this exciting time at CUSP CSHP.

CUSP CSHP/ASHP Executive Board 2016-2017.
2016-2017 Executive Board

President: Jerel Mendoza

President-Elect: Lauren Dea

Secretary: Diana Bui

Treasurer: Jimmy Nguyen

Historian/PR: Jackson Tran

OCSHP Rep: Julie Lim

OCSHP Rep: James Tran

Chapter Delegate: Esther Shin

Chapter Delegate: Tina Tran

Alternate Delegate: Bao Truong

P1 Liaison: Stephani Fukunaga


Jerika Lam, Pharm.D., AAHIVP, FCSHP

Laura Tsu, Pharm.D., BCPS, CGP

Kathleen Cross, Pharm.D., MBA

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